The Complete Card Magic
The very best card magic is mysterious and intriguing. It pulls in the viewers, so they are surprised with every twist and turn. You have access to 180 incredible tricks to turn any deck into a magical experience for your audience. Card expert, Gerry Griffin, adds a sense of humor to these routines. His knowledge of card magic is absolutely impressive. And now, he’s thrilled to have you join his quest for greatness in each performance. This course runs the full range of beginner to expert level. Many of these routines are easy to learn in only a few minutes. Jump right in with “Card Pulse” and “A Simple Card Revelation.” How many of these tricks can you do?

04: Pulse

05: 21 Card Trick

06: Crunch

07: Up To Her Old Tricks

08: I’m Having A Spell

09: Lie Detector

10: What Is He Talking About

11: Cowboys and Indians

12: Into The Future

13: Sisters

14: Do As I Do

04: LieDetector II

05: Use Your Powers For Good

06: Color Changing Deck

07: Time Travel

08: Invisible Cards

09: One The Easy Way One The Hard Way

10: Amazing Aces

11: X Marks The Spot

12: Card Thru Hand

13: Quicker Than The Eye

14: Two Card Challenge

04: Amazing Ace Thru Four

05: Back To Basics Poker

06: Magnetic Finger

07: Stabbed Coincidence

08: Riffle Stop Poker

09: Acrobatic Aces

10: Card Warp

11: Coney Island Caper

12: Homing Card

13: Rub Away Cards

14: Triumph

01: A Very Good Hand

02: Oil & Water

03: Chicago Opener

04: Jacks Or Better

05: The Sound Of Your Cards

06: Simple Arithmetic

07: The Ambitious Ace Thru Five

08: One Last Card

09: You Aint Going To Believe This

10: Fancy Ace Cutting

01: TheCollectors

02: The Man From New York

03: Here There And Everywhere

04: Gamblers Thumbs

06: The Most Ambitious Mystery


01: The Ribbon Spread

02: ThePressureFan

03: Closing A Fan

04: Table Fan Close

05: Hot Shot

06: Card Spring

07: Marked Cards

08: The Classic Force

09: 10 to 20 Force

10: Balducci Force

11: The Glide Force

12: The Dribble Force

13: Gerry’s Hindu Force

14: The Riffle Force

15: The Shuffle Force

17: The Toss Force

18: Touch A Card Force

19: Touch A Card II

20: Under The Hankerchief

21: Hindu Shuffle

22: Faro Shuffle

23: The Riffle Shuffle

24: The Overhand Shuffle

25: Push Thru Shuffle

26: One Handed Shuffle

27: The Zarrow Shuffle

01: The Octopus Cut

02: Gerry’s One Handed Cut

03: The Blind Swivel Cut

04: The Kick Cut

05: Scissors Cut

06: The Charlier

07: Erdanse False Cut

08: The Double Undercut

09: Double Undercut To The Table

10: Gerry’s Double Undercut

11: The Triple Lift

12: The Glide

13: The Glide II

14: The Break

15: Transferring The Break

16: The Siva Count

17: Rub A Dub Vanish

18: The Revolve Change

19: Palming

20: Catching A Glimps

21: Jordan Count

22: HammonCount

23: FlustrationMove

24: Flourish And A Pass

25: Elmsley Count

26: The Double List

27: The Card Fold

28: Braue Reversal

29: The Biddle Move

30: Table Palm

31: The Pass

Stripper Deck

Think of a Card