You’ve Unlocked the Magic for:
Joker Tube
Joker Tube: Performance
Joker Tube: Teaching
The Supplies
You are supplied with 2 Red balls, 1 Yellow ball, 1 Green ball, a ball vanishing box, a clear crystal tube, black round base, and a white metal cover tube.
1. With your extra red ball secretly hidden in the big tube, place the big tube over top of the clear cylinder on base.
2. Load the Green ball in; pressing it down past the secret arm; this will also push red ball down to bottom.
3. Load the Yellow ball in; pressing it down past the secret arm.
4. Load the Red ball in; letting it rest on secret arm.
5. Remove big tube, showing order of balls has magically changed. Then, remove the 3 balls from clear cylider. Note: Extra hidden red ball remains in big tube, resting on secret arm.
6. Place the big tube over top of the clear cylider on base. Load the Green ball in; pressing it down past the secret arm; this will also push red ball down to bottom.
7. Load the Yellow ball in; pressing it down past the secret arm.
8. Load the Red ball into vanishing box.
9. Hold box with Joker side facing audience. Pull doors open, revealing ball has vanished! This will cause the box to rotate 180 degrees.
10. Remove big tube revealing Red ball has reappeared in clear cylinder.