Skull Deck
Regular 3 of Clusbs
You will need three cards for this effect: the Ace of Diamonds with a 2 of Clubs index in one corner, the Two of Clubs with an Ace of Diamonds index in one corner, and the regular 3 of Clubs.
Place the Ace of Diamonds with the 2 of Clubs index on the table with the 2 of Clubs index in the bottom right corner. On top of that card, place the 2 of Clubs with the Ace of Diamonds index in the lower right corner. On top of that card place the 3 of Clubs.
Show the cards by spreading them down and to the right concealing the corner pips. Close the spread and turn them face down end for end from the top down, now turn the cards over side to side. Spread the cards facing yourself and mix them a bit returning them to the same order. Spread the cards towards yourself and ask the spectator to guess where the ace is. No matter what the spectator’s answer, tilt the cards forward to show it in the middle. Turn the cards face down and slide the middle card out placing it face down on the table with the ace to the lower left. Spread the two cards left in the hand slightly to show a 2 and 3 of Clubs. Close these cards, turn them top to bottom and side to side and spread wide to show an Ace and a 3 of Clubs, be careful not to expose the corner of the Ace. Pick up the card on the table with the right hand fingers on top and thumb sliding under to conceal the corner pip when the card is shown.
Place this card under the two cards in your hand and turn the packet top to bottom and side to side again. Mix the cards again and bring them back to the original position and repeat what you just did above. After you have done this twice and gathered the cards up again, mix the cards with the 2 in the middle.
Tilt the cards down showing the 2 in the middle and then tilt up as you remove the middle card and place it on the table with the 2 in the lower left corner. Show the Ace and 3 in your left hand and then close them together, turn the cards top to bottom and side to side and spread wide showing the 2 and 3 in your hands. Pick up the card on the table with the fingers on top and thumb going under to conceal the 2 index as you turn the card over showing it is now the Ace. Slide this card under the other two cards and spread them again wide and down to the right showing Ace, 2, and 3 without exposing the index corners.